At a glance
The LineMetrics All-in-One Smart Building Platform
Data collection
Transfer data
Easily record sensor data in existing buildings
Data is the basis for optimizing the operation of buildings and technical systems. However, data collection in existing buildings has been one of the biggest challenges facing the real estate industry to date.
We have solved it and make any sensor data available at any location particularly easily and quickly – without cables, without a company network and without lengthy IoT projects.
The LineMetrics platform is a complete system that covers everything you need to collect sensor data: quality-tested sensors, long-range gateways, Europe-wide data transmission, reliable databases, simple analysis tools and interfaces.

The LineMetrics platform

Komplettsystem vom Sensor bis zur Auswertung
Flexibler Baukasten für über 50 Use Cases
Enorme Funkreichweite: Ganze Gebäude abdecken
Retrofitting via plug & play – only with LineMetrics
Perfectly coordinated: Our ecosystem for sensor data

Funksensoren für über 50 Parameter
LoRa Funksensoren vereinen enorme Reichweite, hohe Durchdringung und höchste Batterieeffizienz.
Only with LineMetrics can the best sensors from different manufacturers be flexibly combined and easily put into operation.
Gateways for a strong wireless network
A single LineMetrics LoRa gateway networks the entire building – right down to the basement – or company premises.
It collects the measurement data from up to 1,000 wireless sensors and sends it encrypted via LTE to the LineMetrics Cloud.

Evaluation of data in real time
All sensor data can be analyzed and evaluated in the LineMetrics Cloud: 24/7 via PC or smartphone. Potential for improvement and problems (alerts by email/SMS) are thus visible in real time.
Connection of existing systems & apps
Whether industry software, ERP, ticketing or workflow tools: Real-time data can be easily integrated into any existing software or smartphone app via API. Retrieval is possible via REST API or MQTT service.

Easy retrofitting: from an existing building to a smart building
Commissioning via Plug & Play
You or your employees on site receive sensors and gateways by post and can put them into operation yourself – without specialist knowledge, wirelessly and independently of the network. The commissioning folder, which is customized to your order, supports you step by step. If you have any questions or problems, our technical support is there for you.
LoRa radio instead of cable and WiFi
Forget everything you know about conventional wireless solutions: LoRa wireless technology exceeds the range of WiFi many times over. In open terrain, a single gateway covers a radius of up to 15 km, in buildings around a dozen floors. Even thick walls, listed buildings, cellars or insulated cold rooms are no problem.

Enterprise-ready: Developed for professional requirements

Highest quality criteria
LineMetrics is in constant contact with international manufacturers to determine the best sensors on the market. The LineMetrics test laboratory only gives the green light for integration into the LineMetrics ecosystem once the 40 or so internal quality criteria – from measurement accuracy to the demanding endurance test – have been met.
Reliable supply chain
Framework agreements and long-term partnerships with hardware manufacturers around the world ensure a continuous supply chain and the highest service levels. If necessary, we make direct contact, sometimes clarify problems at the firmware level and can thus find quick and reliable solutions.

Maximum data security
LineMetrics was designed from the ground up for maximum data security. All sensor data is encrypted end-to-end, data is transmitted via mobile radio instead of the company network and a T-Systems high-security data center in Austria serves as the server location.
Compare LineMetrics with other approaches
LineMetrics complete solution
Flexible combination – ready-made modular system
For companies & specialist departments
who want to optimize their business with data
Measurement data immediately online
Initial data can be analyzed within a few days of ordering (!)
Can be installed by anyone
No specialist knowledge is required for commissioning
A competent contact person
for all questions, by e-mail, chat & telephone
Guaranteed and tested quality
LineMetrics team takes care of QM and supply chain management
Fast proof of concept
Validate use/business case in days, agile approach
Scaling possible immediately
Europe-wide roll-out is no problem thanks to simple self-installation
Predictable costs & rental solution
Total costs easy to plan, rental models without investment
In-house development
Assemble individual components manually
For IT departments and hobbyists
with sufficient resources for IoT projects
Lengthy IoT project
Prototypes within weeks, usable solutions within 6-18 months depending on complexity
Specialist knowledge required
Measurement technology, LoRa radio, SW/HW development, security, etc.
Unclear responsibilities
Contact person may be hard to reach (Asia?)
Questionable reliability
Selection, verification, returns processing with manufacturers abroad
A lot of effort for unknown ROI
Expensive, complex, slow further development
Long lead times
Roll-outs cause a lot of organizational and personnel costs
Complex cost structure
Numerous suppliers, non-transparent costs